Paper Submission for AEFI 2025


Please submit your extensive abstract or paper for review by April 28th, 2025 at latest. Earlier submission is strongly advised where possible.

Topics of Interest, but not limited to:

Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Public Economics, Labor Economics, Health Economics, Political Economy, Banking and Monetary Economics, International Trade and International Relations, Industrial Economics, Economic Development and Economic Growth, Regional Economics, Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Experimental Economics, Applied Econometrics, Banking and Finance, Personal Finance and Business Economics, FinTech, Machine Learning and Financial Markets, Digital Finance and Economics of Information.

All abstracts should include the title, keywords, JEL classification codes, authors’ names, affiliation, and an email address. All conference papers/abstracts go through a peer review process by the Scientific Committee.

You will receive an email notification from the scientific committee by May 5, 2025, regarding whether your paper has been accepted for inclusion in this year's conference program.

The abstract/paper will be submitted by the author who will be the presenter.

Please fill out the online submission form below attaching your paper or extensive abstract.

If you are having difficulties with your submission then please contact Professor Michael Chletsos